5. Neil Marshall
4. Frank Daranbont
3. Gary Ross
2. Henry Sellick
1. Milos Forman
5. George Stevens
4. Norman Jewison
3. Stanley Kramer
2. Sidney Lumet
1. Joel and Ethan Coen
EDUARDO (ACTION STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
5. Jet Li
4. Stephen Chow
3. Michelle Rodriguez
2. John Travolta
1. Brendan Fraser
AT: I've almost given up on tallying the IMDB scores because IMDB actually gives American History X an 8.6. Sweet mother of Jesus! I'm a big fan of Mark's list because he trots out the mothballed top-hats and yearns to an earlier era of Hollywood, an admirable feat. Eddie, once again confuses and titillates. For those of you that don't understand why the star of Look Who's Talking ranks at #2 on an action star list Eddie has 2 words for you (maybe 2 1/2, I don't know how slashes work). Face/Off Bitches!!!
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